Open data

Parking information

Transparency Code Metadata for parking information

Dataset Name/Title

Parking Information

Organisation Code

Why we publish this type of data/information

As part of Pendle Borough Council's ongoing commitment to increase openness and transparency we publish details of our parking accounts and parking spaces.

Local authorities are required to publish their parking account in accordance with Section 55 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 as modified by Regulation 25 of the Civil Enforcement of Parking Contraventions (England) General Regulations 2007.

The parking account includes all income from off street parking and enforcement activities.  Expenditure includes costs for the provision and maintenance of designated parking spaces by the local authority and enforcement activities.

Other related information

Parking in all of Pendle Council's car parks is free. These can either be long-stay car parks or short-stay ones. 

The short-stay car parks are patrolled on a regular basis by civil enforcement officers, who may serve a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) if they have reason to believe that a vehicle is contravening the parking regulations.

From 7 September 2009, on-street parking enforcement has been carried out directly by Lancashire County Council. The scheme, which replaced ParkWise, is known as Lancashire Parking Services.

A number of residents-only parking schemes are in operation in Pendle whereby parking places on the public highway are reserved for permit holders.  

A charge is payable for residents parking permits; however, we make a loss on this service and all funds raised including the enforcement of these schemes go to Lancashire County Council. 

The resident’s bays are not individually marked out bays; therefore, we need to estimate the number of spaces we provide.  The number of permits issued per house is usually one per vehicle registered at the property plus one guest permit.  However, it is important to note that not all houses within a scheme have permits.

The estimate we provide here is based on the number of permits issued for each scheme minus the guest permits issued.

More information on parking in Pendle 

What information is included in this data?

The Council's parking account information only includes:

  • revenue collected from Penalty Charge Notices;
  • a deficit incurred from the provision of parking services/schemes.

The parking spaces information includes:

  • the number of controlled free off-street parking spaces;
  • an estimate of controlled on-street parking spaces where charges apply (resident's only parking schemes)

What information is not included in this data?

The Council's parking account information does not include revenue collected from parking provision provided directly by the Council because:

  • all income raised from the resident’s only parking schemes goes directly to Lancashire County Council;
  • we do not charge for off-street parking.

Please note: Section 55 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, as amended from October 2004 by Section 95 of the Traffic Management Act 2004, states that local authorities should provide a breakdown of how they have spent a surplus on their parking account.

This is detailed in the Council's parking account information as a minus (deficit) because Pendle Borough Council actually makes a loss on the services we provide.  As a result we do not publish the surplus spend type and amount as this is not applicable.


This data is provided under the terms of the Open Government Licence.

How often do we publish this data?

Annually - We aim to provide this data within six months from the start of the new financial year, as per the requirements of the Traffic Management Act 2004 and accounting processes permitting.

What data systems do we use?

Data is extracted from the Council's Financial Management Information System provided by Civica UK.

What does each column mean?

The data contains fields for:

A. Organisation name – 'Pendle Borough Council'.  Placing this on each row allows the data to be mixed with data from other councils.

B. Organisation Code – this is a URI that identifies the council.  This will become useful as we move towards the Semantic Web.

C. Effective date – this is the end date of the accounting period for the data. E.g. for the reporting period April 2016 to March 2017, the effective date would be 31/3/2017.  This enables users of the data to identify for which period the data apply.

D. On-street parking income type – this is detailed as 'N/A' because all income raised from the resident's only parking schemes goes directly to Lancashire County Council.

E. On-street parking income amount – this is detailed as 'N/A' because all income raised from the resident's only parking schemes goes directly to Lancashire County Council.

F. Off-street parking income type – this is an encoded list of various types of income to explain where it has come from, e.g. off-street PCNs.  This will only ever be PCN Income because we do not charge for off-street parking in Pendle.

G. Off-street parking income amount - this is the amount of income generated from each type of off-street parking provision.

H. Expenditure type – this is an encoded list of regular spend items for both on and off-street parking, such as, equipment maintenance / renewal.

I. Expenditure amount – this is how much has been spent by each type.

J. Surplus amount – this is the total of all on and off-street parking income minus total expenditure.  This will actually show a deficit.

K. Parking spaces number – this is the number of controlled on and off-street parking spaces.  This includes a total number of off-street spaces and an estimate on on-street spaces.

L. Free parking spaces number – this is the total number of off-street parking spaces because we do not charge for off-street parking.

M. Charged-for parking spaces number – this is the estimate of on-street parking spaces, as per the resident’s only parking schemes.

Future plans for this data

None at this time

What data have we removed?


What formats is the data available in?

  • .csv – which can be used with most spreadsheet style programmes
  • .pdf – which can be used as an easy to read document

Open Standards Level of this data

Open data star rating

How to ask for more information

If you would like any further information relating to our parking arrangements and facilities, please contact us providing as much information as possible.

Contact Details